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White Pieces (2000)

Conversations in NY_2001, 120x230 cm, cut out photograph facing wall

white piece with gold purple green yellow and red, 2000, 180cm x 120cm cut out photograph

White piece with gold, purple, green, yellow and red_2000, 180x120 cm, cut out photograph facing wall

white piece with colors, 2000, 150cm x 100cm cut out photograph

White piece with colors_2000, 150x100 cm, cut out photograph facing wall

Total Environment partial view, Laura's moon_2011, White piece with colors_2000 heat_2011

Detail of cut-out photograph facing wall

vanishing points:long white piece with colors, 2001, variable dimension cut out photograph

Vanishing points: long white piece with colors (ocean horizon)_2001, variable dimensions, cut out photograph facing wall

Emily and Zoo in Barby car, 2003, 41cm x 61,5cm cut out photograph

Emily and Zoo in Barbie car_2003, 41x61,5 cm, cut out photograph facing wall

Freddie with colored balls_2002, 150 x 100 cm, cut-out photograph facing wall

conversation in NY, 2001, 120cm x 230cm cut out photograph

Conversations in NY_2001, 120x230 cm, cut out photograph facing wall

Total Environnment (partial view), Unraveling the universe, cut photograph and plexiglass, (2011)